RAY SCHAFER 2321 PINEY MOUNTAIN CHURCH Rd BOSTIC, NC 28018 USA To contact Ray Schafer: ANSWERING SERVICE (leave message or fax): 828-245-8168 E-MAIL: ppsa@bellsouth.net Silhouette Targets Order Form Ship To: Customer Name: ____________________________________ Business Name: ____________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Telephone: (please include area code) Residence (_____)__________________ Business (_____)__________________ Fax (_____)__________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________ Quantity of Sets of 20 Animals:______ Quantity of Individual Targets: Chicken____Pig___Turkey___Ram___ Total Cost of Sets: $_________ Total Cost of Individual Targets: $_________ Shipping Cost (as per web site): $_________ Shipping Zone:___ Total Cost of Order: $_________ Check or Money Order Number Enclosed:____________ How did you hear about our targets? Friend__ Web site__ Magazine advertisement/Feature Article: Shooting Sports USA__ Precision Shooting__________ Small Caliber News__ NRA Silhouette Div.__ other___ Additional comments or instructions: